Buying a home is typically the largest financial transaction most people make in their lifetime. The last thing you want to do is make a mistake, one which could cost you time and money – often a lot of money. These are some of the most common, and worst, mistakes you can make when buying a home.
Not doing your homework in advance – Before you do anything else, do some preliminary research and get a pre-qualification letter before you start shopping for your new home.
Changing Jobs or Buying Big Items – Once you’ve decided to buy a home, it’s critical not to change your circumstances, such as a new job or large credit card purchase.
Calling the Listing Agent Directly – It might be tempting to try and get a “better deal” by working with the listing agent rather than using your own agent. This is not true; the listing agent works for the seller and does not represent your interests.
Accepting Everything at Face Value – Always ask questions and investigate everything, including getting a thorough home inspection.